SBP's message for the grassroots is intended to brief the people in a short and clear away - through a conversation - about SBP's ideology and commitment. First, Rabi Kant Bharti's talk that is based on this message. Then the message itself. SBP strongly recommends that all its members and candidates use a version of this message to communicate with the people.
The ideas of liberty, when explained in a simple language with examples from their own experience, resonate well with our main audience – the poor, subsistence farmers/ daily wage labourers.
We start our conversation by asking what problems they are facing. They generally respond with issues like corruption, education, health, water, police, justice, crime, pollution, electricity. But the biggest one is the dearth of gainful employment.
We then ask - what is at the root of all these problems/issues. They respond with lack of money, education etc. But when prodded further (with hints) they acknowledge that the root cause of these problems arises through politics. Even if we don’t want anything to do with politics, but politics has a lot to do with our lives. It is like the fish that can’t ignore water. It is all around it.
We then ask: what is a government? A lot of people say that they are the powerful – the ‘mai-baap’ or ‘mailk’. To get people to understand the question better we ask: But how does a government work? People usually say that we choose the government. But we ask: Where does the government get its money from? After some prodding we establish that governments operate from taxes collected from us – the people. Everything is taxed, our incomes, services, natural resources. Even the beggar pays sales taxes. We confirm that governments are basically paupers. They own nothing, produce nothing. But governments have the power to tax – and therefore spend hundreds of crores on infrastructure and on government officials.
We therefore establish the first principle: the government is our servant not our master. सरकार हमारी नौकर है. The DM is our servant, the police officer is our servant.
But then we point out that in India governments act as our master. We ask: Why are we scared of corrupt government officials in authority?
We then start asking: what’s the job of this servant? To get to the bottom of this, we ask: what is the most important for us human-beings? To this people respond with things like jobs, education, food, water, air, money. But we prod them further – what is the thing that’s most valuable - our life. So, a government’s main job is to protect our lives, i.e. to provide security – from criminals and from outside forces.
Then we move to the next function. We observe that it is inevitable that in a society there will be conflicts of interests. As examples are discussed of grassroots experience, people realise justice is a very significant function. This is the government’s second most important job. People generally agree that if there was fair justice and timely delivery, it will bring about sea change in the lives of the people. Crime will go down drastically, corruption will be reduced.
People then realise that without security and justice, no government policy or plan will be able to function properly.
We give an example – that to till land we need two oxen and a plough. If we put the plough before the oxen we cannot till the land. The two oxen are like security and justice with the plough representing various policies and our productivity.
Another example we give: Take any house. What is its most important part? Some say: the bricks, cement, roof, windows. But after discussions we all agree that the foundation on which the house or the building stands, is most important. Unless the foundations is strong we can’t build a good house or add new floors to it. Similarly, security and justice are the foundational roles of government. Without them nothing else can works.
This brings us to the crossroads: If it is so easy to understand that security and justice are core functions of government, why do other political parties never talk about fixing these first? They talk about skill development, digital India, free laptops, MNREGA, roads, space programs – which involve taking our money and distributing it to us after taking a cut, but never talk about security and justice.
People then catch on. They realise that if security and justice was fixed, the criminal empires of these parties can’t run.
We tell them that no existing party will fix these basic things. They benefit most from a failure of security and justice.
People say that no one has every told them these things, but it makes all the sense.
Then comes the call to action. Everyone asks: What should be done?
At this we tell them a story: Once there was a big fire in the jungle and all the animals were running here and there. Some were standing on the side, watching the jungle burn down. Then an eagle flying above sees a little sparrow trying to do something. The eagle comes down and asks – what are you doing, sparrow? The sparrow says: I am bringing water in my beak to douse the jungle fire. The eagle laughs. But the little sparrow says: Maybe I won’t but when the history is written, my name will not be in the list of bystanders and those fleeing. It will be in the list of those who tried to put out the fire.
This story makes a huge emotional impact . Everyone agrees that to remain a mute spectator under the circumstances is cowardice.
Then we tell them that we are fortunate to be human beings. We can organise and change things. We then talk about Swarna Bharat Party.
Note: In every meeting I have been to in December 2017, people have always wanted to join us. We ask for a token sum of Rs. 2. They tell us that they will give Rs. 10, 50, 100. They want to work with us.
that the ideas of liberty, when explained in a simple language with examples from their own experience, resonate well with our main audience – the poor, subsistence farmers/ daily wage labourers.
We start our conversation by asking what problems they are facing. They generally respond with issues like corruption, education, health, water, police, justice, crime, pollution, electricity. But the biggest one is the dearth of gainful employment.
We then ask - what is at the root of all these problems/issues. They respond with lack of money, education etc. But when prodded further (with hints) they acknowledge that the root cause of these problems arises through politics. Even if we don’t want anything to do with politics, but politics has a lot to do with our lives. It is like the fish that can’t ignore water. It is all around it.
We then ask: what is a government? A lot of people say that they are the powerful – the ‘mai-baap’ or ‘mailk’. To get people to understand the question better we ask: But how does a government work? People usually say that we choose the government. But we ask: Where does the government get its money from? After some prodding we establish that governments operate from taxes collected from us – the people. Everything is taxed, our incomes, services, natural resources. Even the beggar pays sales taxes. We confirm that governments are basically paupers. They own nothing, produce nothing. But governments have the power to tax – and therefore spend hundreds of crores on infrastructure and on government officials.
We therefore establish the first principle: the government is our servant not our master. सरकार हमारी नौकर है. The DM is our servant, the police officer is our servant.
But then we point out that in India governments act as our master. We ask: Why are we scared of corrupt government officials in authority?
We then start asking: what’s the job of this servant? To get to the bottom of this, we ask: what is the most important for us human-beings? To this people respond with things like jobs, education, food, water, air, money. But we prod them further – what is the thing that’s most valuable - our life. So, a government’s main job is to protect our lives, i.e. to provide security – from criminals and from outside forces.
Then we move to the next function. We observe that it is inevitable that in a society there will be conflicts of interests. As examples are discussed of grassroots experience, people realise justice is a very significant function. This is the government’s second most important job. People generally agree that if there was fair justice and timely delivery, it will bring about sea change in the lives of the people. Crime will go down drastically, corruption will be reduced.
People then realise that without security and justice, no government policy or plan will be able to function properly.
We give an example – that to till land we need two oxen and a plough. If we put the plough before the oxen we cannot till the land. The two oxen are like security and justice with the plough representing various policies and our productivity.
Another example we give: Take any house. What is its most important part? Some say: the bricks, cement, roof, windows. But after discussions we all agree that the foundation on which the house or the building stands, is most important. Unless the foundations is strong we can’t build a good house or add new floors to it. Similarly, security and justice are the foundational roles of government. Without them nothing else can works.
This brings us to the crossroads: If it is so easy to understand that security and justice are core functions of government, why do other political parties never talk about fixing these first? They talk about skill development, digital India, free laptops, MNREGA, roads, space programs – which involve taking our money and distributing it to us after taking a cut, but never talk about security and justice.
People then catch on. They realise that if security and justice was fixed, the criminal empires of these parties can’t run.
We tell them that no existing party will fix these basic things. They benefit most from a failure of security and justice.
People say that no one has every told them these things, but it makes all the sense.
Then comes the call to action. Everyone asks: What should be done?
At this we tell them a story: Once there was a big fire in the jungle and all the animals were running here and there. Some were standing on the side, watching the jungle burn down. Then an eagle flying above sees a little sparrow trying to do something. The eagle comes down and asks – what are you doing, sparrow? The sparrow says: I am bringing water in my beak to douse the jungle fire. The eagle laughs. But the little sparrow says: Maybe I won’t but when the history is written, my name will not be in the list of bystanders and those fleeing. It will be in the list of those who tried to put out the fire.
This story makes a huge emotional impact . Everyone agrees that to remain a mute spectator under the circumstances is cowardice.
Then we tell them that we are fortunate to be human beings. We can organise and change things. We then talk about Swarna Bharat Party.
Note: In every meeting I have been to in December 2017, people have always wanted to join us. We ask for a token sum of Rs. 2. They tell us that they will give Rs. 10, 50, 100. They want to work with us.
अभिनव भारत का यह नक्शा हमारी व्यवस्था को पूर्ण रूप से बदलने के लिए बनाया जा रहा है.
इस अभिनव भारत का नक्शा बहुत ही सरल है, क्योंकि यह हमारी संस्कृति के मूल तत्वों से जुड़ा हुआ है. यही तत्त्व सारे विश्व में अपनाए गए हैं जहाँ भी कोई देश प्रगति कर रहा है. जिस प्रकार से विज्ञानं भारतीय नहीं होता,उसी प्रकार से अर्थशास्त्र या राजनीती भारतीय नहीं होती. जो भी तत्त्व श्रेष्ठा होते हैं वे सारे विश्व में अपनाये गए हैं. हमारे पूर्वजों ने शोध के पश्चात अर्थशास्त्र व् राजनीती के कुछ मूल तत्वों को खोजा था, जो सारे विश्व भर में लागु हो रहे हैं – परन्तु भारत में नहीं.
भारतीय संस्कृति के कुछ मूल तत्व
भारतीय संस्कृति में कुछ साधारण बातें हैं जो जो आज़ाद भारत की व्यवस्था में सम्मिलित नहीं हुईं, और जिनको हम सम्मिलित करना चाहते हैं.
हमारे यहां एक कहावत है कि “जहां का राजा हो व्यापारी वहां की प्रजा हो भिखारी”. यह कहावत बहुत महत्व रखती है क्योंकि इसमें राजनीती का निचोड़ है. राम राज्य में राजा केवल सुरक्षा और न्याय की व्यवस्था करता है. रामायण में राम कोई भी व्यापार नहीं चलाते थे.
केवल राम नाम जपने से भारत का कुछ नहीं होने वाला. राम राज्य के मूल तत्व क्या होते हैं यह हमें पहले समझना पड़ेगा.
हमारे देश का दुर्भाग्य यह हुआ कि 1947 के बाद हमारी सरकारों ने व्यापार का धंधा शुरू कर दिया. आज तक हमारी सरकारें व्यापारी बनी हुई हैं. यह सरकारें बैंक, होटल, एयरलाइन, कारखाने और अन्य किस्म के व्यापार चलाती हैं.
और जो काम सरकार को करना चाहिए वह नहीं करती. यहां कोई जवाबदेही नहीं है और सरकारी कर्मचारी देश को लूटने में मग्न है.
हमने एक विचित्र प्रकार की सरकार बना कर रखी है जहां पर सरकारी कर्मचारियों की नौकरी 35 साल तक पक्की रहती है और वे चाहे कुछ भी कर ले, नौकरी से नहीं निकले जा सकते. यह समझ नहीं आता कि हमने सरकारी नौकरों को सिर पर क्यों चढ़ा कर रखा हुआ है?
इसी वजह से हमारे देश की पुलिस जनता की रक्षा करने के बजाए, उन पर अत्याचार करती है. और न्याय में इतनी देरी हो जाती है कि जनता कोअपने जीवन के अंतर्गत न्याय ही नहीं मिलता.
भारत में किसी भी दुकान में जाएं तो लक्ष्मी देवी के नीचे “शुभ लाभ” और स्वास्तिक बना रहता है. यह इसलिए होता है क्योंकि हमारी संस्कृति में लाभ को शुभ माना जाता है और नुकसान को अशुभ.
परंतु नेहरू लाभ को अशुभ मानते थे और उन्होंने समाजवाद को अपनाया जिसमें सरकार ही महत्वपूर्ण व्यापार (commanding heights of the economy) करती है और लाभ को अशुभ माना जाता है. उनकी बेटी इंदिरा गाँधी ने इस बात को और फैलाया और आज तक सरकार बैंक भी चलाती है. ये बैंक भारत के गरीब नागरिक को लूटने का मूल यन्त्र बन गए हैं, और हर साल सर्कार जनता के कर (tax) का पैसा इन बैंकों में उड़ेलती पाई जाती है.
सरकार हमारी नौकर होती है. सरकार का व्यापर से कोई मतलब नहीं होना चाहिए, उसको लाभ से कोई मतलब नहीं होना चाहिए. भारत की जनता अपने ग्राहक की सेवा करके ही मुनाफा पा सकती है. इससे वस्तुओं की कीमतें गिरती हैं और उनके किस्म, गुण, लक्षण व् स्वरूप निखरते हैं.
हमारी परंपरा के सरकारी कर्मचारियों की जवाबदेही होती थी. पर जवाबदेही पाने के कुछ नियम होते हैं. कौटिल्य के अर्थशास्त्र में लिखा है कि सबसे ऊंचे दर्जे के कर्मचारी और नीचे दर्जे के कर्मचारी के वेतन में 800 गुना अंतर होना चाहिए. यह भी लिखा है कि उच्च दर्जे के कर्मचारी यदि निर्धारित काम ना करें तो उनको नौकरी से तुरंत बर्खास्त करना होगा.
जिम्मेदारीपूर्ण पदों के लिए वेतनमान भी उसी अनुसार होने चाहिए. उच्च पदों पर बैठे अधिकारियों का वेतन अपेक्षाकृत कम होने से जवाबदेही और ईमानदारी दोनो का ही निर्धारण होना मुश्किल हो जाता है.
परंतु भारत की समाजवादी व्यवस्था में उच्च और नीचे के कर्मचारियों के वेतन में कोई ज्यादा अंतर नहीं है, और उच्च कर्मचारियों को (यानी कि IAS ऑफिसर्स को) नौकरी से नहीं निकाला जा सकता.
हमारे भारत की संस्कृति की जो परंपराएं हैं वही आजकल के आधुनिक अर्थशास्त्र में पाई जाती हैं, परंतु भारत में परंपरा हम भूल गए और सबसे पीछे हो गए हैं . इतनी देर में बाकी देश इसी परंपरा के निचोड़ की, या दिशा की, पालन करते हुए बहुत आगे निकल चुके हैं.
विपरीत बुद्धि से सर्वनाश होना निश्चित है – यह भी हमारी परंपरा मैं कहना है.
अब हम इस समाजवादी विपरीत बुद्धि को छोड़ अपनी परंपरा की मुख्य तत्वों को फिर अपनाएं और नए भारत का निर्माण करें.
सरकार क्या काम करे यह नए भारत के नक़्शे का पहला बिंदु होगा. अभिनव भारत की सरकार जनता की नौकर बनकर वही काम करेगी जो जो सरकार के लिए जायज़ हो और सौंपा गया हो – यानी हमारी सुरक्षा और न्याय, और शायद कुछ सड़के बनाना. उसके अलावा सारे काम जनता खुद करेगी. और सरकार को जो सौंपा जाये उसके लिए वह पूरी तरह जवाबदेह होगी.
अभिनव भारत की सरकार कभी व्यापर नहीं करेगी.
अभिनव भारत में हर गरीब को सरकार की तरफ से social insurance की हैसियत से कुछ सीमित संसाधन मिलेंगे जिससे वह frugal condition में जी पाये, और उनके बच्चों को अच्छे स्कूलों में जाने का अवसर मिलें . सरकार खुद स्कूल इत्यादि नहीं चलाएगी, गरीबों को school voucher मिलेंगे.
इसी प्रकार, सरकार हमारी सेहत का ध्यान नहीं करेगी, ना ही अस्पताल चलाएगी, परंतु जो गरीब से गरीब है उसके लिए social insurance की तरफ से कुछ health voucher का बंदोबस्त करेगी .
अभिनव भारत की सरकार जनता की नौकर की हैसियत से जनता को, यानि की अपने मालिक को , यह कभी नहीं कहेगी कि हम क्या खा सकते हैं, पी सकते हैं, पहन सकते हैं, और किस प्रकार से रहन सहन करेंगे. राम ना हिन्दू थे न मुस्लिम, और यदि राम राज्य में नास्तिक ही क्यों ना हो, राम का राजधर्म केवल सबको सुरक्षा और न्याय प्रदान करना था. उन्होंने कहीं नहीं कहा की उनके नाम पर इमारतें गिरायी जाएं. ऐसे लोग राक्षसः होते हैं, राम के धर्म के दुश्मन.
अभिनव भारत का दूसरा बिंदु होगा जवाबदेही.
अभिनव भारत में किसी भी सरकारी कर्मचारी की नौकरी पक्की नहीं होगी और यदि वह काम उचित रूप से नहीं करता तो उसको तुरंत नौकरी से निकाला जाएगा. इसी प्रकार से सारे विश्व में सरकारें चलती हैं.
अभिनव भारत बनाने के लिए हमें भारतीय संविधान को ध्यान से देखना पड़ेगा. उसमें पिछले 70 सालों में कई प्रकार के संशोधन हुए हैं जिनकी वजह से सरकार अपने कार्यक्षेत्र की सिमा के बहुत बाहर कार्य कर रही है. वह न केवल व्यापार कर रही है, वह किसानों को व्यापर करने से रोक रही है.
इस प्रकार की शक्तियां हम सरकार से वापस लेकर जनता को फिर सौंप देंगे.